BIM, Build Before You Build!

Build Before You Build is a unique service offering that leverages engpro extensive Building Information Modeling (BIM) capabilities to construct a project virtually before constructing that same project in reality (though a virtual model can be built at any time during the project lifecycle).
RGV engpro Design & Build provides full-time BIM capabilities with experts trained in the process of BIM. Our architects and engineers know how a project is built and produce highly accurate models, visualizations, and construction drawings. Our BIM and Build Before You Build services align with current production capabilities by establishing a project process customizable to your needs. This allows you to continue focusing on what you do best. engpro takes pride in being an industry leader in BIM, through our use of Autodesk Revit® for both architectural and MEP engineering design.
“Our designers are using BIM for a majority of our work, and our clients are benefitting from better project visualization, expedited decison-making, reduced change orders, and an overall smooth project process.”